frequently asked questions

Hopefully our FAQ’S below can help answer your questions. For additional questions, please contact us

I'm not a personal injury attorney, is the membership exclusive to PI lawyers?

All consumer advocate and plaintiff attorneys are welcome to apply to Justice HQ. Our membership base consists of a diverse group of attorneys covering a variety of fields. At the end of 2020, about 58% of our members listed personal injury as their primary area of practice. Other members specialize in employment law, lemon law, civil rights, mass torts, elder abuse, medical malpractice, immigration, criminal defense, etc. Beyond areas of practice – we also have attorneys who focus on pre-lit, mid-level litigation, trials, and appeals.

I already have an office space, so I don’t think JHQ is for me. Is it?

JHQ can absolutely be for you even if you have separate office space. We changed the way we structure our memberships to be more flexible and affordable, and conference room bundles now are separate add-ons to the base membership plans. We have plenty of members who only visit our HQs during events or if they are nearby. All members have entry-level access to all HQs for this purpose.

Our model also offers greater flexibility to attorneys in that if you have an office space in Los Angeles but sign on a client in Orange County – you know have a more convenient location to meet them. Similarly, if you live in San Diego but suddenly have a week-long trial in Los Angeles, you now how a war room nearby to utilize. While a handful of members use Justice HQ locations as their main office solution, our memberships are intentionally designed for members to benefit in a variety of ways.

Check out our locations for some examples of how members utilize our spaces.

How is JHQ different from an office lease or other co-working space?

The pandemic has shown us that the concept of a fixed, permanent, and overpriced office lease is a way of the past, and most “co-working” spaces aren’t tailored to today’s attorneys. A membership with Justice HQ includes access to a list of other benefits outside of a physical space. Click here for all of the other benefits included in a membership.

I don’t have a fixed office space, and I need somewhere to send my mail and answer my calls. How can JHQ help?

Our base membership plans now include add-ons, including a subscription to a remote mailroom which collects, opens, and scans your mail for you off-site. You can retain physical pieces of mail as needed, or opt to shred.

For those members who prefer the traditional mail intake, you can upgrade your base membership to include on-site mail intake and locker storage, where a member of our team will safely sort and store on-site for you to retrieve.

For those needing a phone-answering service, we partner with third-party vendors who offer discounts to members (this ranges from elite transportation services, to private investigators, to virtual assistants and phone-answering services).

I’m in law school, can I be a part of JHQ?

Right now, only consumer advocate and plaintiff attorneys actively practicing and in good standing with their State Bar are eligible for an individual membership, but we’re always looking for other ways to involve individuals of the legal community at large. Reach out to [email protected] for more information if you’d like to be involved in our community but aren’t currently eligible for a membership. We recommend signing up for the JHQ newsletter so you can be sure to see any announcements relevant to you.

I don't live in California, can I join?

Yes! As of February 2022, we have members who reside in New York, Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, and Nevada. There are plenty of remote benefits that out-of-state members can utilize – including our streamed educational and networking events, our community channels, the searchable member portal, our recorded video content, and access to our in-house Media Team. Reach out to [email protected] to learn more about our out-of-state memberships.

How do I become a member/what’s the application process?
  • All interested individuals who would like to learn more about Justice HQ submit an interest form and will be connected with a JHQ team member to talk about our memberships and build out a custom quote.
  • After chatting with our team, interested individuals will be sent a link to our online application form.
  • All applications are initially reviewed by our Membership Committee which consists of a group of volunteers from our community. Members from our Membership Committee will also interview all applicants.
  • Following interviews and if the applicant still wants to move forward, our team sends out a list of names of prospective new members to our community and allow a few days for comments. If there are no objections, the individual will be invited to join the community.

Ready to schedule your demo and chat with a member of our team?

What is Included in the Media Team Offerings?

Justice HQ’s in-house Media Team makes certain offerings available to members as included in the base membership plan. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Monthly sign-ups for new photos and headshots at rotating locations. All photos are edited and supplied to the member for their own use.
  • On-call assistance for one-off graphic design needs
  • On-going content guidance via custom Media Kits, prepared utilizing the member’s individual or firm branding
  • Monthly workshops for members and any individuals from the members’ firms who may be interested in learning more about the rotating topic

Recently introduced, this quickly became one of the more popular benefits that members utilize, and we anticipate that the team will grow and soon be able to offer more to members.

interested in becoming a member?

Justice HQ is an exclusive membership for consumer advocate attorneys. If you’re interested in learning more about Justice HQ, or applying for a membership, use this form to tell us more about yourself.